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Terminology for Feb 2

Modernist Theory: based on rational knowledge, in organizations it is characterized by the existence of systems/subsystems, specialization and integration of work, the evolution of autonomous work groups and organizing based on multiple factors

differentiation: allocation of work by specialization, the keystone of structure
integration: coordination of work, the type of grouping in an organization
vertical coordination: the coordination and control of the work at subordinate levels through authority, rules and policies, and planning and
control systems
lateral coordination: the coordination among groups achieved through meetings, task forces, coordinating roles, matrix structures and
boundary-spanner: an individual or group working across group lines, pulling functions together to promote a product’s success
(contributes to lateral coordination)

Symbolic-Interpretive Theory: focused on how people make and communicated meaning in particular situations; based on belief that organizational realities are produced through the interaction and experiences of its members

reification: to make an idea concrete
enactment: creating an organizational reality through members “making sense” of their environment
objectified: created socially in such a way as to look objective

Postmodernist Theory: encompasses many ideas with a shared desire to challenge modernists’ views on reality, knowledge and identity. Organizations are not orderly but rather uncertain and complex requiring a focus on plurality of thought and language (not structure and patterns). For our purposes, post-structuralist theory has the same underlying principles.

discursive: describes the practice of using specialized jargon or technical terminology to feed the power/knowledge method of control
discourse: refers to the mindset (a partial perspective) of a particular group
deconstruction: a way to read/reread text in varying contexts in order to reveal the different interpretations produced by multiple audiences
diffe’rance: means to differ and to defer; the meaning of a word draws on its opposite (differ) and the meaning of other words (defer)
simulacra: describes a culture in which nothing has deep meaning or underlying structure; “what you see really IS what you get”
hyperreality: describes a culture in which illusion is no longer possible because reality is not possible; living in a simulation and trying to
produce what is real but “reality” is only the image we use to define ourselves to ourselves.